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How to Remember the Movies You Have Watched

Back in the day, failing to remember a movie you previously watched could lead to a major tragedy. By that I mean that you could drive to the movie rental store, pay to rent a movie, return home, be forced to watch all the previews, and 2 minutes into the movie you would realize you were now stuck with a movie you had already watched.  #$$%*&*(^&*)^)^!!!!!

These days it's not as much of a problem. But what if you want to keep track of the movies you've watched and rate them? Or share them with friends and see their ratings, as well. Well, we've create a site called Remember Stuff to help solve this problem and to have a little fun seeing what movies your friends have rated highly (or lowly).

It's really easy to use. All you do is:

1. Select "Remember a Movie" from the home page or just go directly to in your mobile or desktop web browser.


2. Then you can search movies by title, director or actor/actress.


3. You can save the movie to the site and, if you login with facebook, you can see your friends' movie ratings. You can buy or rent most of the movies online, as well.


Eventually, we will be adding an Award-winning section so you can quickly get to the best movies from the past 50 years or so.

By the way, if you area  fan of tv, books or music, feel free to check out those sections of the site, as well. Enjoy!

As always, we love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to post in the comments or send us feedback directly from main site.

Start to save and share your favorite movies to your friends at

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Remember Your Favorite Entertainment

Create favorites lists so you never forget which books, movies, and tv shows you have watched and want to watch. Share your favorites with your friends. is the freeweb app that allows you to do all of these things and more in one place:

In addition you can create an online reading list, movie watching list and track which TV season and shows you have watched.

Scott BarnardScott Barnard

As founder of Remember Stuff and a father of 2, I know what it's like to try to juggle family life and work. Hopefully, the tools on the site help you to save time, save money and Make Life Easier!

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