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Parenting Teens

Fun and Fab Physical Activities for Kids

Here are some ideas for physical activities for kids to help the children in your life get moving.

Fun and Educational Reading Activities for Kids of All Ages

By taking an active role in your kids’ developing reading skills, you can help ensure that they have the best chance possible of being successful throughout their lives.

Top 10 Kids Tablets

By recognizing the benefits of using iPads and tablets with children to enhance their education and to prepare them for the digital world that lies ahead of them. Lets take a look at the best tablets for kids that are currently on the market.

Community Service Ideas for Teens

Community Service is a wonderful opportunity for teens. It is often a prerequisite to high school graduation, and is a wonderful asset to a young person's resume when it comes to applying to college.

Fostering a Positive Self-Image in Teens

When we believe in our teen children, and give them opportunities to develop character, we help them to discover their strengths, and face the challenges of growing up.

Award-Winning Teen Books To Have Around the House

My philosophy for getting teens to read good literature is to have an abundant supply in the house for them to self-select. Scatter some award-winners around your house this year!

Helping Teens Spread Their Wings

Is your child way past the days of play dates and camp? Is he looking forward to a summer of lolling around the house playing video games? Why not look into local job opportunities for teens?

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