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How to Remember Ideas You Have

Have you ever seen the Seinfeld episode where Jerry wakes up in the middle of the night and scribbles some random idea he had on a notepad next to the side of his bed? He spends the next week trying to decipher what it was that he scribbled on his notepad. Many of us (especially those like me with terrible handwriting) can sympathize with Jerry's dilemma. for Ideas (shortcut: offers you the ability to save all those great ideas. I personally use it to save marketing ideas for my sites and any ideas that pop into my head for the next million dollar product or website (or not!).

Using it is simple. Just go to Remember an Idea, and type in what it is that you want to remember. You can also create lists for different types of ideas like Million $ Ideas, Marketing Ideas, Random Thoughts, etc.

You might also check out the Notes,To Do List, and Remember Sites functionality if you think they might be handy to you.

And, if you think someone else can benefit from, please share this article or the site. Thank you and enjoy!

Have an idea? Save it now at

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10 Cool Ways You Can Use

Whether it is saving a restaurant recommendation, importing a recipe, remembering a wine your like, finding an album or one of many other tasks, here are a few great ways you can use to remember the things that are important to you.

In addition you can save and rate movies, books, music and TV shows

Scott BarnardScott Barnard

As founder of Remember Stuff and a father of 2, I know what it's like to try to juggle family life and work. Hopefully, the tools on the site help you to save time, save money and Make Life Easier!

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