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How to Remember Books You Have Read or Want to Read

The Remember Books portion of (shortcut: can help you save both the books you have already read, as well as the books you would like to read. If someone gives you a book recommendation at a party or while you are out and about, simply open and quickly save it to your list of My Books.


Even better, if you are like me and sometimes have trouble remembering what the most pertinent facts or quotes in the book were, there is an area to "Add Notes" like this:

"Pg 45, author says something incredibly insightful: [insert deep thought here]"
"Pg 47, author says something incredibly stupid: [insert shallow thought here]"


Anyway, you get the idea. We will be adding more functionality to this area ocassionally and we are always open to your input in the comments below or via the feedback button on the main site. Feel free to share this with your favorite book worm friends!

And if you like movies, tv, or music, feel free to try out those sections of the site, as well. Thanks!

Ready to start? Create your reading list now at

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Remember Your Favorite Entertainment

Create favorites lists so you never forget which books, movies, and tv shows you have watched and want to watch. Share your favorites with your friends. is the freeweb app that allows you to do all of these things and more in one place:

In addition you can create an online reading list, movie watching list and track which TV season and shows you have watched.

Scott BarnardScott Barnard

As founder of Remember Stuff and a father of 2, I know what it's like to try to juggle family life and work. Hopefully, the tools on the site help you to save time, save money and Make Life Easier!

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